Written by Кирилл Ясько
27.05.2007 |
Apartment - your house, you know as to behave here. You do not thrust fingers in the socket, do not litter under a sofa (I hope), do not rustle after 11 evenings. Mountains - unusual environment(Wednesday) for you. For this reason the conductor for this reason you should follow rules of behaviour in a hike is necessary to you.
Written by Юрий Александрович Штюрмер
26.05.2007 |
Accident in a tourist hike... What its(his) reasons, its(his) nature? Whether it is possible to provide, warn it(him)? It is told about all this in the book. It(she) contains data on experience of a safety, practical recommendations on selection in group, to training and education of tourists, examples of overcoming of dangerous situations on routes, analyses of circumstances of accidents in travel. The book will be useful to workers of tourism, an active tourist sektsy and the маршрутно-qualifying commissions, to the broad audience of sportsmen, fans(amateurs) of travel and regional specialists.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
22.05.2007 |
6 days Distance: 75km Price: 200 Euro
This trekking tour takes place in guerrilla places of Crimea. The guerrilla camps lost in mountains, secluded caves, almost tropical wood. All this served as shelter for the guerrilla during war and for the period of a hike becomes the house for us. The route is knowingly named "Orient Express" - moving on the east on guerrilla tracks, we of all for some days shall reach Noviy Svet and we shall finish our hike near Sudak fortress.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
21.05.2007 |

the Problem(Task) on this hike sounded simply - to pass(take place) the Main ridge of Crimean mountains. To begin from Alushty with conquest Babugana and to finish in bay Laspi. Beginners in this hike were not - all participants were to some extent familiar with a camp life, and difficulties performance of a task in view to arise should not.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
19.05.2007 |

Most of our
customers have never hiked in mountains.
They can hardly imagine what a trekking trip is and how it is organized.
In this article we will try
to describe to you the whole process – starting from arrangements by e-mail and
preparations for a trip and ending with saying goodbye after happy travels. We hope this essay will help you get prepared
for the upcoming trip.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
17.05.2007 |
One of these days I have written article about a
heavy backpack . Today to me it was thought, that it would be logical to write and about an easy(a light) backpack. I have sat down for the keyboard and …
Written by Кирилл Ясько
16.05.2007 |

the Campaign to Crimea for May holidays for many is the traditional beginning of spring. From cold northern cities we come to Crimea to receive a few(a little;little bit) sun and spring flowering. So was and in it(this) to year. However weather has brought some corrective amendments in our plans. Tender May 2007 reminded late autumn, or even the beginning of winter more.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
16.05.2007 |
Suddenly it wanted to share with you impressions of a campaign accompanied by really heavy backpack.
All begins that having laid a backpack, you raise it(him) a little (to estimate(appreciate) weight and balancing). Cтановится it is clear, that a today's cargo a lung you will not name. You of concept have no, how many there kgs, but hands authoritatively declare you, that too, it is too much
Written by Кирилл Ясько
24.04.2007 |
For those who wishes to go to a hike across Crimea for May holidays, but cannot remain in Crimea for all week, we shall organize a separate hike - from April, 29th till May, 2nd. It(he) is created on motives of a route " Water and Stones " and includes visiting such sights of mountain Crimea as the Valley of Ghosts, falls Dzhurla, Dzhur-Dzhur and the Geyser.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
12.04.2007 |
At numerous requests we shall organize a children's hike. Actually adults there will be more than children. To nurseries a hike have named because the route is simplified up to impossibility, kilometrazh is reduced up to a minimum, and in general - not a hike and continuous rest.
The route of it(this) of " a children's hike " is laid on motives of a route on Cave cities of Crimea.